Thursday, August 09, 2012

Guidance for 9 August

Je me suis inscrit à la newsletter d’Eileen Caddy.

« Always take the optimistic outlook over everything, and banish all gloom and negativity. You are surrounded by many wonderful people, things and experiences in life. Why not concentrate on them and give thanks for them, letting go and releasing all that is unpleasant, unhappy or difficult? By your attitude and outlook you draw to you the very best or the very worst in life. Therefore, if you are blaming your circumstances, life or people for your misfortunes, look within to see what you can do to change your attitude. As you start doing it, little by little you will find changes taking place and you will begin to realise how mightily blessed you are and how truly wonderful life is. What a joy and a privilege it is to be alive, to be where you are, doing what you are doing, surrounded by so many wonderful things and people! Start right now looking for them. They are right there, so you will not have to look very far. »


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