Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mots anglais

To jeopardize (put in danger, imperil) (antonym : Safeguard)
Obnoxious (unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, distasteful, offensive, objectionable, unsavory, unpalatable, off-putting, awful, terrible, dreadful, frightful, revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, disgusting, odious, vile, foul, abhorrent, loathsome, nauseating, sickening, hateful, insufferable, intolerable, detestable, abominable, despicable, contemptible, skanky, godawful, yucky)
To smolder (burn slowly with smoke but no flame)
Horrendous (extremely unpleasant, horrifying or terrible)
A little fledgling pigeon (a young bird that have just fledge (fait ses plumes))
To hatch (emerge from its egg)
Hatch (trappe)
Bind (problematical situation).
Heap (an untidy collection of things piled up haphazardly) clothes in a heap on the floor
Twerp (silly or annoying person)
To impregnate (make a woman pregnant)
Flabby (having soft loose flesh)
Bloater (hareng bouffi)


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